Shearwater is reworking the Petrel 3 dive computer

A product rework has been issued for a popular model of dive computer

Shearwater Research has recently issued a product rework of their Petrel 3 dive computers. A rework for such a popular device is going to take some time. Their fix is just being tested and as you can imagine, we will be swamped with units from around the world.

If you own a Petrel 3, please contact us on this email address: with the subject line set as "Petrel 3 rework".

Naturally, we’ll be contacting all of our Petrel 3 users in due course. Our normal five-working-day turnaround time will be suspended until this rework can be finished.

For additional information, the official announcement is reproduced below.

Shearwater Petrel 3

Shearwater Research's announcement issued to Petrel 3 users

IMPORTANT WARNING – per the Shearwater Research product manual:

This computer will fail. It is not whether it will fail but when it will fail. Do not depend on it. Always have a plan for how to handle failures. Automatic systems are no substitute for knowledge and training. No technology will keep you alive. Knowledge, skill, and practised procedures are your best defence.


Shearwater has identified a failure mode in certain Petrel 3 controllers, monitors and dive computers where the product may experience an unexpected loss of power. In extreme cases, a loss of power could occur when the computer is in use.

The likelihood and rate of this issue is very low. However, a product improvement is being implemented for new production that will improve the reliability of the Petrel 3. In keeping with Shearwater’s commitment to reliability and safety we are recommending that all Petrel 3s be serviced to implement the product improvement also.

Please contact Shearwater, your nearest Service Centre directly, or your Shearwater dealer to initiate the service paperwork and receive shipping instructions.

Does this impact the new Petrel 3?

Production and new sales are suspended until the improved procedures are tested and implemented. Existing Petrel 3 customers are encouraged to service their computer and the product improvement will be offered free of charge.

Can I continue to use my Petrel 3?

In diving, the adage "two is one and one is none" underscores the importance of redundancy. It is not a matter of if a product will fail but when it will. To ensure your safety, it is imperative to carry redundant systems and have a well-considered plan for handling product failures. Relying solely on automatic systems is not a substitute for comprehensive knowledge, training, and practiced procedures. No technology, no matter how advanced, can replace the fundamental skills and awareness that keep divers safe. Your best defence against unforeseen issues is a thorough understanding of your equipment and well-rehearsed emergency protocols.

Regular maintenance, care, and servicing of diving equipment are crucial for ensuring diver safety. While the identified failure mode on the Petrel 3 has a low likelihood of occurrence, we strongly advise that all users proactively return their units for the recommended product improvement. This proactive step is essential in maintaining high standards of safety and performance.

What should I do?

We expect the product improvement process to be ready for production and reprocessing of existing products by mid-September. In keeping with our values of really, really caring about customers, we felt it important to raise awareness before the improvement was ready.

Please contact your nearest Service Centre to request the product improvement service. They will advise you of the process to send in your Petrel 3.

Please note that this product service bulletin only affects Petrel 3s. There is no evidence that this failure mode is present in the Petrel 2. If you have a Petrel 2 there is no need for the product improvement service, however, as stated above, routine maintenance, care and servicing diving equipment is an essential safe diving practice.

We appreciate your understanding and patience as we constantly work to enhance the reliability of our product, and we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused.

If you have questions about this matter, or are unsure of where to send your computer, please contact us at